Khiiral Lumoria

White Mage, Dragoon, Astro.


His reluctant time with the pirates was something he would rather forget, nevertheless, it made him who he is today.
Art by: Chebits@Twitter

Art by: bansheenanigans@twitter


Race: Elezan, Duskwright
Age: 26
Birthday: January 14
Height: 6’3
Art by: bansheenanigans@twitter

Expansion info

AAR: 22
Heavensward: 23
Stormblood: 25
Shadowbringers: 29
Art by: nymeiasfury@twitter

Art by: nymeiasfury@twitter


Khiiral Grew up on an island on the coast. He loves the ocean and always will. It is home to him, even with how distant he is with his family now. When he was young, he had a lot of fun memories with them and the ocean. He loves his sisters, they were home most of the time and he spent a lot of time with them. Being the youngest of the boys, he was the one that watched over them and ensured that they were safe or at least attempting to be. He would be the one that took them to the beach for the day or into town. They could be a handful but he was a natural caregiver.

It wasn’t until the age of 12 that Khiiral was thrown into the cruel world of thieving. His mother did it, his older brothers did it. So he was expected to. He had too. If he didn’t he wouldn’t have nothing, no food, no money, nothing. He had to buy his way into his family meals, prove that he was worth sitting at that table. Khiiral had always hated what he did, but he was good at it.
Despite disliking this skill of his, he would continue to do this for years to come. To earn the liking of his family despite their different morals.This also developed the teaching of nothing is ever free. Even something that you steal. The price will come up later, so- pick what you can handle. Because of this he does not understand the concept of gifts.

He was in this life until the age of 16, that was when pirates looted and razed his town. Khiiral was never a fighter, he was always in the shadows, watching and hiding. He had no idea where his family was, but he was out with his sister, Omosa who was 8 years younger than him.

Determined to keep her safe and out of harm's way he found himself hiding, behind a desk. The pirates began looting the place, and he knew they were going to be discovered. He made a choice to make himself known, sliding out from under the desk making his sister promise to stay hidden. “Just stay here, I’m going to make them go away. Don’t move until you hear mom and dad, okay? It’s going to be okay.” Once he made himself known, he convinced the pirates that he was hiding in the building alone, and told them he would go with them willingly. They were originally not going to keep him alive, and they were going to add him to the casualties of the razing. But, he convinced the pirates that he was a healer, which he 100% was not at the time, nor did he ever think he would be. Managing to pull one of his older brother’s tricks out of his sleeve “healing” a wound on his arm, even though it was simply washed off. Nevertheless, he saved his sister, and just bought him a one way ticket to a pirate’s ship.

At the age of 16 he was a prisoner, the first year he was chained up and caged. They couldn’t risk their “healer” running away on them.
At the age of 17, still managing to bullshit or talk his way out of difficult healing situations, he found himself on the upper decks alone. There was a tiny mass, sitting on the cold wood, and as he looked closer it was a bird. Distraught and always an animal lover, he wished he could help the poor thing. Surprisingly enough, he actually did. This was his discovery that hey, he was a healer. Given he was pulling from his own aether rather than borrowing from the earth’s. He was now technically a healer. It took a toll on him to heal, but it made his life hell a lot easier. If he could heal, he didn’t have to lie. But...he had to heal the very people who took everything from him.

By the age of 19 he was “free.” He was still on the ship, and a part of the crew now. Which was an upgrade, there were no more chains, or cages. Actually a hammock with the rest of the crew. He would drink with them, play cards, dance, tell tales and legends that he would hear from the villages or other pirates. A lot of this he would never admit that he enjoyed. As he was still a prisoner, and still forced to heal those who murdered innocent people and burned down villages.
It wasn’t until he was 22 when he managed to escape. He was allowed to go on shore a lot of times, but this one...this one was different. It was more chaotic than he had seen before. And this was his chance. Hiding behind a counter, hoping to be forgotten and left behind. However he was not alone. Khiiral didn’t just find someone hiding behind that counter, but his future best friend. Ylde was also hiding from the pirates, and with her research/lab being destroyed by his “crew.” They ran away together, both of them silently escaping a trap they had both managed to get caught in.


PERSONALITY: Adaptable, Appreciative, Caring, Charismatic, Friendly, Selfless

Talks with his hands, paces a lot when he is thinking/talking. When he grows nervous/worried, he will fiddle with his rings.

Proving to himself that he can change and be a better person despite his past and his family.

Conflict-Averse, Overly Idealistic, Self-Critical, Impractical, Emotionally Driven, Difficult to Get to Know

He absolutely does not trust pirates. Being with them for a long part of his life, he know what they do and what they can do. Because of this he is rather quick to jump to nasty conclusions.

Excellent Card Player ,Great Dancer, Healing

Botanist/florist: He uses this skill to make his own teas and home remedies when he exhausted and possibly unable to heal.
Goldsmith/ jeweler: Khiiral enjoys to tinker around with jewelry almost as a therapy. While he was on the pirate ships in his youth, he learned to identify a real jewel, and how to see the fool's gold.

INFP-T: The Mediator.

Injury to the shoulder while training to become a dragoon, will get tight/sore during flare ups.

Expansions and the effects!

AAR: Nothing really important happens in this expansion, other than the fact that he learns how to properly heal and meets the best friends he will ever meet. Mo'e and Ylde, are his two comrades that will always be around him throughout the expansions. Together they function as a WOL, their echoes enhancing each other and feeding off and into one another.

Heavensward: This expansion marks when he takes up the mantle to become a dragoon, despite his dislike of conflict. Tired of seeing his friends on the frontlines, dying for him, he takes up a lance and trains under Estinien Wyrmblood. Despite his distaste, Khiiral is a exceptional dragoon. This expansion is also where he acquires scars and some injuries that would leave lasting effects.

Stormblood: Khiiral remains on the frontlines fighting for Ala Mhigo and Doma. Sticking to that mindset of he does this so others he holds dear will not have to be on the frontlines. More often than not he does not value his own life, which might have lead to sacrificial tendencies. However, this is countered by the worry and sadness it would bring to his loved ones, leading him to take care of himself better than he would if he were to be alone.

Shadowbringers: During and after this expansion a lot happens to him character and appearance wise. Appearance wise his hair lightens, and one of his eyes is light green/white as a long term effect from the battle with the light. His scars also have a gold tint to them rather than a paler hue of his skintone. Khiiral also shifts his class from Dragoon to Astrologian, going back to his roots in healing. Drawn to the idea of reading into the fates and the stars interested him and was a much needed break from being on the front line.